Don’t forget to give other necessary permissions to Google Duo like push notifications for calls and other important alerts.There, now you have reached the Google Duo web screen where your contacts list is displayed.Click on Allow to conclude the setup process. Google Duo will ask for your permission to access your microphone and camera for video calling.Verifying your number on Google Duo will give you access to all the functionalities. Go back to see if you have put the right information or use the “Resend the code” option. In case you don’t receive the secret code.If the information you put is correct, then you will receive a verification code texted to your number.Make sure that you enter the right number with the correct country code. Its setup will then ask you for your phone number.After signing in, you will click the next button.The Duo Setup will ask you to sign in with your Google ID.More Similar Software: Google Meet – Download And Install Guide On PC If you don’t have an account, you can create a new Gmail account and use it here. If your account has not been set up, then you need to follow the Duo Set up by logging in your account to it.You can call your contacts easily then.If your browser is already connected with your Gmail account, then all your contacts will display.Click the Duo Web option, and you will proceed to the setup option.On the top right of the Google Duo screen, you will see the option stating “Try Duo For Web.”.The Google Duo main webpage will be shown, describing all the fun features. Go to your favorite web browser and open it.There are a few call setup options as well that will help you initiate your video calling. In order to use Google Duo on a PC, one of the simplest methods is to access it on its official website. I will tell you about both these calling options in detail.

Free group calling (max 32 participants).